Assessment and Performance Analytics Centre (APAC)


To ensure a thorough evaluation of learners’ skills, competencies, and potential throughout their academic journey from admission to graduation, we have implemented the Assessment and Performance Analytics Centre (APAC). This innovative initiative aims to provide a holistic understanding of learners’ development and track their learning curves over time.The APAC will utilize a range of assessments specifically designed to measure a learner’s employability skills. This comprehensive assessment center process will encompass various elements, including individual and group exercises, interviews, as well as sociometric and psychometric tests. These diverse evaluation methods will effectively gauge different aspects of a learner’s personality, employability skills, and technical abilities. Moreover, the assessments will offer valuable feedback to foster the holistic growth of the learners.By employing the Assessment Center, we can identify areas in which learners may need improvement. This insightful feedback will assist in designing tailored training and development programs to support their ongoing growth and success. Through targeted interventions and personalized guidance, learners will have the opportunity to enhance their skills and bridge any gaps identified during the assessment process.

The APAC represents a significant step towards a comprehensive evaluation system that goes beyond traditional academic assessments. It enables us to assess learners’ employability skills and provides valuable insights for their holistic growth. By leveraging the findings from the Assessment Center, we can offer personalized support, promote continuous improvement, and ultimately empower learners to thrive in their future endeavors.


  • Assess learners’ understanding and knowledge of employability skills by evaluating their comprehension of concepts, principles, and best practices related to their domain and professional skills.
  • Enhance learners’ practical skills and competencies relevant to their academic disciplines and future career.
  • Evaluate learners’ ability to synthesize and integrate employability skills by combining different skill sets to solve complex problems, create innovative solutions, and adapt to dynamic work environments.
  • Support learners’ career advancement by providing certifications that validate their expertise and specialization.
  • Facilitate networking opportunities and foster connections between learners and industry professionals, enabling learners to build relationships, seek mentorship, and explore potential career opportunities.
  • Foster a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem by facilitating networking opportunities, connecting learners with potential investors, and industry professionals, and encouraging collaboration.


Lead generation approaches are preceded by a thorough market research that helps determine the exact target audience and gain substantial insight into their mindset. Our rigorous research helps in devising an appropriate market plan and setting complementary personalized parameters. We leverage digital marketing and social media advertising services to create brand awareness of our partner universities, which attracts a great number of leads.

Types of Assessments:

  1. General Aptitude
  2. CryptArithmetic
  3. Versant
  4. Gaming Aptitude
  5. Watson Glaser Critical Thinking
  6. Coding Test
  7. Domain Specific
  8. Psychometric and Sociometric Assessment

Training and Development

Our fully integrated, dynamic and customized student engagement strategies are instrumental in turning prospective intent into conversions. Our marketing team engage prospective students in an interactive, friendly and helpful manner to familiarize them with the university and programs and guide them through the admission process.


  1. Identifying areas of improvement from assessment score analysis.
  2. Planning and execution of trainings on areas of improvement, online/offline mode by master trainers of assessment centre (Technical/Non-technical).
  3. Conducting mock GD and interviews.
  4. Training the learners for portfolio (Naukri, LinkedIn, Github, Hackerrank, Hackerearth, etc.) building.
  5. Planning and execution of train-the-trainer programs for in-house faculty members, pan India.

The 9×9 Model for Employability Competence:

  1. Employability Skills for Career Development
  2. Professional Competencies
  3. Professional Aptitude for Career Enhancement
  4. Experiential Programs
  5. Domain Expertise Building
  6. Skill-based Certification Programs
  7. Personal Branding and Professional Grooming
  8. Interview Skills
  9. Career Enablement Services

Learner Success

iNurture provides necessary career-, program- and university-related information and nourishes its prospective students to stimulate the conversion of prospects into admissions.


  1. Tracing learners’ performance throughout their learning lifecycle and coordinating with learners(and parents if required) for areas of improvement.
  2. Review of resume, portfolio, digital presence (Naukri, LinkedIn, Github, Hackerrank, Hackerearth), etc. of learners.
  3. Motivating the learners to ensure maximum participation in assessments and training programs.
  4. Classification of learners based on their skills and their suitability for companies.
  5. To check the feasibility of MOU signing with corporate for assessment, certification, internship, and hiring models.
  6. Assessment Centre also intends to impact the Entrepreneurship skills of the learners. As a value addition, Business Sarathi is to be introduced with the objective to mentor the learners who come from business class families and want to expand their existing business or have a desire to start their own business. We will also arrange investor meets (twice a year) to provide sufficient funds to them.
  7. Alumni of iNurture to be invited to interact with learners and orient them on industry trends and expectations. Mock Interviews of Elite Batch learners are to be organized with these elite professionals.
  8. Quality Audits of the assessments are to be arranged from industry experts, quarterly. This is to be in sync with the process of IIAC for the existing curriculums.

A groundbreaking self-analysis and skill development initiative designed to empower individuals like you to unlock their full potential and thrive in an ever-changing world. At iSeek, we understand the importance of continuous self-improvement and have created a comprehensive program that combines self-analysis, personalized guidance, and targeted skill development to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Data Analytics:
Each learner’s performance is to be analyzed after each assessment and this will be continued for their entire course cycle to trace their growth trajectory.

Gap analysis is to be done based on their assessment performance. Verticals to identify the areas of improvement and design training and development programs to support the ongoing growth and success of the learners.