D.Y. Patil Deemed To Be University School of Management

Solving business problems using data analysis, statistical models and other quantitative methods has gained prominence nowadays. Hence, the emergence of Business Analytics, which deals with disciplines and technologies particularly aimed at doing that. But …

Economies worldwide are continuously evolving in the digital era. Fast-growing segments like FinTech have led to expansion in business avenues and financial products. By 2030, customer demands will be altogether different from what they are now and graduates …

Rapid Globalisation with continuous technological improvements, especially in the last thirty years, has caused a tremendous flow of goods, services, labour and capital from neighbouring and far-off countries alike. Global trade has gained importance, foreign direct …

Marketing Management refers to the control and operations of various marketing activities and the people involved in those activities. Every product or service in the end relies on professionals in marketing functions to reach their ultimate customer …

The transformation of data into business insights through the process of collecting, combining, sorting, processing, and using statistical models and methodologies is called Business Analytics. The field has gained prominence in recent …

Businesses in the 21st century are moving towards a more integrated and global economy. Now, the trade of goods and services, capital, knowledge and technology happens across borders on a global scale. Opportunities across …

Marketing is about relationships; it’s all about identifying, predicting, and fulfilling what customers or clients need or want. It is not unique to just businesses; every organization, from libraries to charities and government to religious …