Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

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Top B.Sc Colleges In India

There are many a  B.Sc colleges in India with a fine legacy.There are also a few new-age colleges that are defining the new-age methods in action-based learning in order to be industry ready. Students from across the world are clearly spoilt for choice as they seek to pursue the B.Sc course in India.

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Other B.Sc Programs

Innovation is clearly at the centre of most things science. Pursuing the 3 year B.Sc program is certain to add immense value to the individual as well as his resume while he considers choosing from a vast variety of add on programs.

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[ultimate_heading heading_tag=”h4″ main_heading_color=”#0c0c0c” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px;” el_class=”programCourseHead”]Animation[/ultimate_heading]

The Indian animation industry encompasses traditional 2D animation, 3D animation and visual effects for feature films. The animation and VFX industry is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 17.2 percent over…

[ultimate_heading heading_tag=”h4″ main_heading_color=”#0c0c0c” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px;” el_class=”programCourseHead”]VFX[/ultimate_heading]

Visual Effects (abbreviated VFX) is the process by which imagery is created or manipulated outside the context of a live action shot in film making. Visual effects involve in the integration of live-action footage …

[ultimate_heading heading_tag=”h4″ main_heading_color=”#0c0c0c” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px;” el_class=”programCourseHead”]Digital Filmmaking[/ultimate_heading]

Digital filmmaking is a domain which includes multiple processes such as cinematography, direction, screenwriting, production and editing which combine to give the product which is a digital film. The artists communicate…

[ultimate_heading heading_tag=”h4″ main_heading_color=”#0c0c0c” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px;” el_class=”programCourseHead”]Gaming[/ultimate_heading]

The Indian digital gaming industry is growing rapidly, with behemoths like Alibaba backed-Paytm, Tencent, Youzu and Nazara investing in it. One of the top five countries for mobile gaming in the world[…]

Choose One,BSC Animation and VFX,BSC Gaming
Choose One,BSC Digital Film Making and VFX,BSC IT Mobile Application and Information Security
BSC IT Cloud Technology and Information Security
BSC Animation and VFX
BSC Animation and VFX
Choose One,BSC Animation,BSC Digital Filmmaking
BSC Animation and VFX
Choose One,BSC Animation and VFX,BSC Gaming
Choose One,BSC Animation and VFX,BSC Digital Film Making and VFX
Choose One,BSC Animation and VFX,BSC Visual Communication