Student Information System


An all-in-one student information system for enhanced efficiency offering student information, timetable and attendance management, as well as notification about paid/due fees.

Student Information

A single window application to capture all student, professor information. A seamless system to manage the student lifecycle from admissions to recruitment. Master data-entry on one system automatically configures all related modules and enrolment to courses, examinations, etc.

  • Student information
  • Professors information
  • Programs, Courses/Subjects
  • Classroom and Infrastructure management
  • Fees & payables management
  • Timetable management

Timetable management

A single window application to capture all student, professor information. A seamless system to manage the student lifecycle from admissions to recruitment. Master data-entry on one system automatically configures all related modules and enrolment to courses, examinations, etc.

  • Timetable Generation: An algorithm-based system to help generate a timetable taking into consideration multiple constraints. The KRACKIN timetable generator augments your existing team’s efforts to deduce a suitable class allocation for the university.
  • Timetable Access: Students and professors get a personalized view into their respective class and subject allocations.
  • Examination Notification: Notify students about various examination locations, timings and enrolment information with a single click.

Attendance Management

A read-reckoner attendance system for the,


  • Mark attendance for his/her classes
  • Review the absentee list
  • Analyse attendance trends


  • Quick view about percentage attendance
  • Detailed historical information
  • Subject-wise, date-wise details

Fees Notification

  • Enabling students with easy access to fees paid/due status by integrating with existing accounting systems.
  • Providing detailed actionable information to students.
  • Enabling online payments.