Hackathon’ was held on Saturday, 11th Oct. 2014 at Poornima University, Jaipur. The one day workshop was inaugurated by Hon. VC Dr. KKS Bhatia with a motivating speech. Deepak Raj Rao, Head – Information Security, iNurture Education Solutions, conducted the workshop. Deepak Raj Rao illustrated what precautions students have to practice while using any hacking methodology and elaborated on the basics of Security mechanisms. A basic knowledge of India IT Acts and Cyber laws was also given to students. Student Lav Kumar won the prize for most active participation in Workshop.
Hon. VC Dr. KKS Bhatia inaugurating the ‘Hackathon’ workshop
Deepak Raj Rao, Head – Information Security, iNurture Education Solutions, conducting the workshop
Students in earnest attention during the workshop
Source: techcrunch.com
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