“Mobile is the future of Software Development” – Google’s Eric Schmidt.
Usage of mobile phones has increased in the past year. India stands second in the world, in the number of active mobile phones. Today, out of the 6 billion mobile phones in the world, close to 1 billion is being used in India. This comes to about 70% of our current population. Every month sees an increase of around 6 million subscribers. That, in fact, is a lot of numbers.
With the increase in the number and make of mobile phones, there comes a demand for better applications. And in turn, huge scope of android mobile application development in India. Now, this puts a light on why companies like Nokia, BlackBerry, Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Google and many others are going wild with their innovations – increase in the need and use of Mobile Applications.
Android is an open-source Linux-based operating system designed mainly for smart phones and tablets. It is maintained as an open source project by Google. This open source code and licensing allows the developers and device manufacturers to modify the software according to their needs. Android platform has brought about cutting-edge technologies in app development.
Owing to the popularity of Android, Mobile Apps development industries are considering Android Application Development as one of the best remunerative business opportunities. The need to hire knowledgeable mobile application developer is intense.
India is considered as a country with several globally recognized IT hubs.
One of the main reasons for this is that software as a service is highly cost effective. Before the acceptance of Android, the mobile app development industry was dominated by Proprietary OS like Symbian and iOS. With Android, came the option for dynamic app development at a lower cost. When thinking of the scope of Android Application Development in India, we can take these three primary notions into consideration:
Samsung and HTC phones powered by Android have taken over the mobile phone reign in India. The variations of cell phone models introduced by them have created a positive vibe in the popularity of Android. When technology develops, there comes an urge to explore unseen depths. In essence, Android is a choice at the best for exploration in India.
Recalling Eric Schmidt’s statement – “Mobile is the future of Software Development”- Android is on the path of proving the same.
Source: tech.firstpost.com
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