From the school principal to the next-door neighbor, everybody stresses how important the 12th board exams are. It is not surprising then that many students tend to crumble under pressure. And this often leads them to underperform and yet again wallow in their inability to do better. However, when the atmosphere around the upcoming examinations is organized and positive, half the battle is won in the favor of students. If you are a 12th grader, here are a few tips that can help make this journey a lot easier for you.
Realistic Study Plan
Most often, students tend to over-estimate the time at hand relative to their retention capacity. As the exam approaches, they realize that they are much behind their schedule and begin to panic. Therefore, the thumb rule is to always set realistic and consistent weekly/monthly goals and stick to them. Once these goals are reached, there will be an automatic surge in confidence and a sense of being in control. Both these factors are vital to develop a healthy attitude towards examinations.
Setting Priorities
This is a two-step process. First of all, you must internalize the importance of the examination at hand. Once you decide to ace it, the process is passion-driven, as opposed to pressure-driven. Also, this is the best motivation to curb the many distractions that come your way. The next step is to prioritize the subjects in order of difficulty and sub-topics in order of importance. This will not only help the aforementioned goal-setting, but also help you assess your strengths and weaknesses. Besides, there will be ample time to approach teachers for additional assistance on tough concepts, in the absence of which, students can become too stressed.
Often, examinations spell the end of normal life for students. Your sleep and food habits get erratic and all forms of recreation are cut off. You perpetually seem to be buried under a pile of books. These extreme measures are counter-productive and promote physical as well as mental stress. Therefore, remember to eat, sleep and exercise regularly just like other times. It is of foremost importance to eat nutritious food and stay hydrated. Good sleep keeps exhaustion at bay and promotes better memory power. Also, take breaks to relax the mind. Short naps, a quick jog or some good music could help. Moreover, while under a normal routine, the mind does not take on as much stress.
The Role of Friends and Family
The 12th board examinations are often regarded as the ‘turning point’ of students’ lives. However, it is also the time when young adulthood replaces old adolescence. This age requires encouragement, support and love as much as it requires tuitions, examinations and study material. You need to avoid fearing failure. Also, a healthy peer group is essential. All said and done, the 12th board examinations are not the end of the world. On the contrary, they throw open a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities. Therefore, embrace examinations as a stepping stone and not as an ordeal to be done with.
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