The field of information security is one that is growing exponentially. Statistics show that the opportunities in this field far outnumber the number of qualified professionals. This is because this is a relatively new field and people are only now starting to wake up to the potential and possibilities of this job market. With almost every organization, business, and institution, from governmental to non-governmental, business to personal, having an online presence, doing business online, conducting various transactions online, and storing valuable data online, there is no chance of this field becoming redundant in the near future. With more jobs being created (the predicted number is 6 million jobs by the year 2019 worldwide), it makes sense to prepare yourself for this career by investing your time and energy to get certified in the field.
The fact is that there are more people today who are aware of this field and getting certified to enter it. Chances are the job market in this field could even get saturated in a few years. Most people who enter this field right now are those who have a bachelor’s in information technology or computer science with a specialization in information security. There are also people who may not have specialized in information security at the graduate level but have undergone specific courses which offer certificates and postgraduate diplomas in information security. Then there are those who get trained on the job, as an intern or as a junior information security officer, in any firm that specializes in information security, which helps to jump start their careers in this field. It is in this scenario that you need to weigh your options and consider how you could set yourself apart from others who may be competing for that plum position that you have set your eyes on. What sets you apart from them? What would make you catch the eye of a recruiter or a company looking for talented and qualified information security specialists?
The answer is simple: a Master’s Degree in Information security! There are a number of reasons for this:
There is no doubt that a Master’s degree in Information security will be a smart investment in your career that leads to greater security and stability in an evolving job market.
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