What is e-commerce? To a layperson, it is buying and selling online. But, take a look underneath the surface and you will find a rapidly expanding multi-dimensional industry. Information, service, and quality are the key aspects which every e-commerce provider ascribes to. E-commerce companies ride on great service value, which will herald a new market space with a never-depleting consumer base. Statistics and latest trends suggest that with the changing urban landscape and rising per-capita incomes, the e-commerce industry in India is burgeoning at a skyrocketing pace. ASSOCHAM reports indicate that the industry in India would be worth USD 38 billion in 2016, positing a 67 percent jump over USD 23 billion revenues for 2015. With such a growth rate, Indian e-commerce presents plethora of opportunities too. From fashion to electronics to food, every facet of day-to-day life has an e-tailer, beckoning the digital age. Below we look at some trends and opportunities in the present industry.
Therefore, the trends in Indian e-commerce industry require the right set of skills, education, and creativity to reap benefits of opportunities which are presented across several dimensions.
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