India has huge talent reserves and with the changing economic scenario, various opportunities arise in the context of higher education. Realizing the need for up-skilling the vast proportion of youth and developing an efficient employable force, India is on the path of qualitative development. According to an India Brand Equity Foundation report, the higher education sector in India is the largest in the world, enrolling over 70 million students. This sector is expected to grow at a staggering 18 percent to reach USD 34.12 billion in the next 10 years. Along with government initiatives, private institutions and businesses are taking keen interest to groom the right talent. As India moves towards a digital age, challenges and opportunities in the higher education sector are also circumscribed by advancing technology. This includes a shift to e-learning and introduction of various industry relevant courses, such as digital marketing, IT infrastructure management, cloud analytics, mobile application development, etc.
With the positive outlook on higher education, India also needs to make concerted efforts to address the following challenges to create an environment for education.
Corresponding to these challenges, the Indian government, as well as private institutions, have realized the need to reform higher education sector with future forward policies and measures. Some opportunities in the context of higher education in India are specified below.
The demand for higher education and educational reforms in India will provide a multitude of challenges and opportunities in the higher education sector to international institutions and educational businesses. With rapidly widening middle class, this transformation is being driven by economic and demographic change. For higher education in India, excellence, equity, and expansion are three keys which constitute a challenge as well opportunity for the higher education system.
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