Recently, students of Poornima University, upon request of Rajathan Police, created a short film on their Lady Patrol Unit to spread awareness about the initiative. The Lady Patrol Unit was constituted to safeguard women against eve-teasing, harassment and ensure overall women safety.
The project was developed by the students of 2nd year BFA, under the supervision of Mr. Debendu Sarkar – Mentor, Animation, Mr. Ashwini – Visiting faculty, Animation and the special efforts of Mr. Dinesh Kulkarni.
This creation was highly commended by the Rajasthan Police and the Deputy Commissioner of Jaipur himself took special interest and was in constant touch with the production team during the creation of this short film. There was also a launching ceremony held at the Police Headquarters on the 7th of November 2017 to commemorate the event.
The BFA program at Poornima University is offered in collaboration with iNurture and we, at iNurture couldn’t be more proud on this achievement!
thank you