Vivek Prasad, a 1st year student at Sandip University, participated at the Kalpavriksha 2017, a social venture pitching competition by IIM Indore. Kalpavriksha aims to provide promising social ventures the opportunity to pitch for funding, network, and learn the winning mantra to create a sustainable and impactful social venture. The event featured keynote speeches, pitch for […]
The Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) space in India is dominated by eCommerce. Ecommerce is nothing but the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. As per the projection by Morgan Stanley, eCommerce sales in India reached $16 billion during the year 2016-17 and is expected to grow seven fold in the […]
Recently, students of Poornima University, upon request of Rajathan Police, created a short film on their Lady Patrol Unit to spread awareness about the initiative. The Lady Patrol Unit was constituted to safeguard women against eve-teasing, harassment and ensure overall women safety. The project was developed by the students of 2nd year BFA, under the supervision of Mr. […]
There’s a lot of debate going around if robots will take over humans. It’s still debatable but what we do know is that robots are proving useful to humans in a lot of ways. They are mostly used to perform tasks that are usually repetitive, tedious or are too dangerous for humans. Robots find its […]
iNurture is proud to partner with Medi-Caps University, Indore through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed in the presence of Dr. S K Somani – Vice Chancellor & Col. P Mazumder – Registrar. The MoU was facilitated smoothly through the efforts of Ms. Ramya V – Sales Coordinator. Since its inception in July […]
Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. And if you invest in a career in Finance, you’ll know how to manage your interest rates (pun intended). Much has been said about the power of money but we’re here to help you pick a career in a field that will put […]
There’s a new trend that has surfaced in the marketing world. Traditional methods of marketing are now slowly superseded by Digital Marketing. And why not? The world is going digital and we are all slowly becoming ‘digital natives’. Our days start with scrolling down newsfeed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. As per a data on […]
The computer and communications world has been revolutionised by the internet. As per a statistics report, there are at present 3.74 billion internet users in the world as on March 2017. Out of this, India alone has 400 million internet subscribers. In this increasingly networked world, the vulnerability to threats has also risen. A Corporate […]
With Analytics being labelled as the “Hottest job of the 21st Century” in the Harvard Business Review, there seems to be no better time than now to opt for a career in Analytics. There are obviously more reasons but before that, let us throw some light on what Business Analytics is all about. Whenever a […]
Computing services (servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, etc.) when delivered over the internet is Cloud Computing and a company that offers these services are called cloud providers. Cloud Computing or Cloud Technology can be used to store, backup and recover data, create new apps and services, host website and blogs, stream audio and video, […]
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