(Excerpted from the article Outsourcing technology education, first published in the financial daily Mint on 27 Dec. 2016)
Ashwin Ajila, the boss of a firm called iNurture, a fast growing seven-year-old start-up in this space, says demand for technical education in India has been booming in the wake of the outsourcing industry and iNurture has now established a presence in over 30 campuses in India. In recognition of the ‘South to South’ trade in this sector, it has also focused on countries in Africa, South Asia and South-East Asia in a bid to capture the growing markets there. Ajila quotes statistics that show the demand for educational services in these developing economies is expected to grow by 70% over the next few years and avers that these countries are natural markets for his company’s wares—essentially ‘university education in a box’.
As technology advances, allowing these services to be delivered even more efficiently than they are today, educational managed services firms could experience exponential growth in developing countries.
The large US and UK names that are trying to set up a presence in such countries still charge an exorbitant sum for their degrees; their product is geared towards capturing the sliver of the population that is rich enough to spend on a western education, and not on the proletariat schooled at home. Businesses like iNurture and its competitors, which focus on the home country’s own universities, have a bright future.
Siddharth Pai is a world-renowned technology consultant who has personally led over $20 billion in complex, first-of-a-kind outsourcing transactions.
Read the complete article at: http://www.livemint.com/Opinion/ULODcdEqkrPLDFHCVM0oUP/Outsourcing-technology-education.html
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