Before you even begin to read this article think of your own about all the good times that we have all fallen prey to the powerful Negotiating skills of a salesman? I myself have been tricked into buying some things that still lie in a corner of my house, things which I have absolutely no use for. To talk about Influencing, I see we all are not bad at those ourselves because, at some point in our life, we all have had to influence our parents or partner to favor things to happen in our way. People develop Influencing and Negotiating skills at a very early age because you need these skills to survive in the real world every day.
What are Negotiating skills?
Negotiating begins with a ‘give respect and due respect’ policy while working out an argument or a conversation. In an effective Negotiating, the negotiator must value the ideas and expectations put forth by the other person. Negotiation works only if all the people involved in the conversation comes to a mutual agreement or decision and this task is not that easier as it may sound.
To be successful negotiators, know this:
What are Influencing Skills?
It is an art of disagreeing with the view and ideas put forth by the other person without making them feel defensive or judged. Influencing is much more subtle than Negotiating because Influencing a person means you are trying to change the view, attitude, opinion or behavior of the other person by positively, gently, directly or indirectly manipulating him/her. The truth is that we all fall prey to the Influencing skills of others and there is no one way or right way of Influencing. But the following are some styles that you can adopt to enhance your Influencing skills:
Influencing and Negotiating Your Way into Work
Influencing and Negotiating skills complement each other as these two skills are quintessential in the world of communication. Organisation head-hunts people who possess these skills and not just for the sales position but for other top-notch positions in the management field as well.
In any workplace, there will be constant differences of opinion, conflicts on demands, attitudes and Influencing and Negotiating skills can come in handy to keep everyone happy and on-track. In any role where you need to be responsible for managing others or client or customer servicing, your ability to influence and negotiate are the key elements that can keep you on your job.
Situations where Influencing and Negotiating skills can come handy when you are employed:
Being able to negotiate with and influence your colleagues, clients, senior managers or fellow professionals without making them feel judged, exploited or manipulated is what determines your position as a successful influencer and negotiator. Not to mention that you yourself have to abstain from falling into such situations where others can manipulate and influence you. No matter if you are a senior or a junior employee or what position you work at or what kind of organization you work for, you will have to encounter these skills every day of your work life. The more good you are on these skills, the effective you become in communication and the longer you stay as a happy employee.
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