iNurture expands its footprint in the north by partnering with one of the top private universities in India, Rayat-Bahra in Mohali, Punjab. The MoU was signed in the presence of Dr. AC Vaid, Registrar, Ms. Sahila Bahra, VP, and Dr. Manoj Manuja, Pro VC on March 11, 2020, at the university’s Mohali campus.
Under this MoU, iNurture will offer the following programs from the academic year 2020.
Rayat-Bahra has a state-of-the-art campus with modern classrooms, labs, library, and infrastructure. The university is well-equipped to manage the new responsibilities defined under this MoU.
iNurture is delighted to begin this new endeavour as it continues to collaborate with top universities in India and across the globe.
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