Netizens of the smartphone dominated world spend more than half their productive hours surrounded by mobile devices. Now, most of these are youngsters, averaging 20-35, who are not just browsing or surfing but also discovering a new dimension in this ocean. From developing mobile apps for their colleges to becoming young entrepreneurs in their mid20’s with an app-based product – they have done it all. And, why not, considering, you as a millennial are likely to get mobile-first naturally while your digital-immigrant predecessors find the desktop route easier. But what makes the world of mobile application development as viable?
The verdict is out – android has won over iOS by numbers meaning, at least in India, android apps have more downloads and a wider audience. Therefore cost of mobile app development in this platform is considerably lower. Moreover, it penetrates to a wide level of audience as well. Youngsters are opening up to Andriod’s flexibility, its open ended resources, low cost hosting, all of which, will help them offer more for less in their own ventures. Also, mobility is every business owner’s worry now, and a professional mobile app developer, on an average engineer finds himself/ herself far more useful than just a run of the mill coder.
Cloud-first is the new norm and remote access is the newest destination. If this doesn’t attract youngsters, what else will? Cloud allows essential networking off the internet and allows unconditional access. Along with cost and logistic advantages, it is far more secure and user-friendly. What more? It has opened doors to a lot of mobile app developers to cater to the needs of the cloud-computer counter-parts and translate it onto smartphones. Meanwhile, when time has become money, having everything you need on app means, be it on the flight, at home or while travelling – you can seamlessly work. Smartphone cloud -products are in fact slated to take over business trends in 2017.
When your product is an app, you can scale up far more easily. The development is more glitch-free, the options plenty and the need to be snappy is more than ever. So this also allows you to quickly terminate, say a section that got obsolete or work more on the sections that do well. Further, ecommerce entities are urging users to use their mobile apps more than their websites as operates via app has gotten both more viable and easier. They have also set trends by going only-mobile as the time spent on individual devices is far more effective in getting conversions. Moreover, marketing has progressed from being personalized to individualized and thus reaching a person on their mobile app is reach them at their homes. Youngsters’ love for app development is this regards ranges from the novelty and wide range to actual use itself.
Not far is the day when we can access everything from our television sets to smoke alarms from a click on your mobile phone. The internet of things is going to come big soon and thus the tilt toward everything mobile is the way ahead. Thus youngsters feel that the best way to be a part of this revolution is choosing to be pivotal part of app-frenzied world and taking on development. And, rightly so. Imagine, 10 years from now, all your home controls will be in your phone and so will your controls be. So, being a part of this revolution is about making it happen in a way such that it sustains and grows.
Youngsters embracing mobile-first technology and becoming passionate programmers, after all seems like a natural course of action. However, larger question that remains is how every business establishment must wake to this fact and take course to get ahead in the race.
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