Vivek Prasad, a 1st year student at Sandip University, participated at the Kalpavriksha 2017, a social venture pitching competition by IIM Indore.
Kalpavriksha aims to provide promising social ventures the opportunity to pitch for funding, network, and learn the winning mantra to create a sustainable and impactful social venture. The event featured keynote speeches, pitch for funding platforms, and an informal networking session. In the networking session, you will get a chance to interact with investment partners and representatives from social organizations like GAP, Villgro, The Wadhwani Foundation, OASIS, and IEN.
Vivek was also a participant at the IPRENEUR 2017. IPRENEUR is the flagship event of E-cell under the auspices of the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. The purpose of the event is to bring together participants, student community, academicians and other significant groups in order to utilize the platform to create and share ideas, networks and innovations.
The focus of IPRENEUR this year will be to attract the best ideas and early stage enterprises. IPRENEUR has a special focus on social impact and venture creation every year. The two-day event ensures that participants from different communities pan India desiring to create social enterprises or take their existing enterprises to the next level, would be provided a platform to display their ideas and ventures, rework on them through the mentorship and feedback given by industry experts and experienced mentors. Furthermore, it will not just be a competition but an opportunity for investors to connect to these ventures and ideas, incubators to identify potential ventures.
The winners of both the above events are yet to be announced. Let’s hope that Vivek emerges as the winner in this competition.
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