One of my friends recently joined an MBA program. I wondered at that time that how his family would manage when he quit his excellent job for studies. I was pleasantly surprised to know he did not need to give up his job at all!
Well my friend enrolled for an Executive MBA program. Such a program is designed for professionals who have at least more than 5 to 6 years of work experience. It is largely meant for mid career professionals and you do not need to quit your job at all while pursuing this program.
Executive MBA is gradually becoming more and more popular. There are several reasons for this program’s popularity.
Earn and Learn
This MBA allows you to earn as well as learn. You can continue with your job and maintain your lifestyle. You need not worry about losing the source of bread and butter for you and your family while you do something to further your career. This program gives you the opportunity to do both together since classes will be held either on weekends or late evenings according to your professional schedule.
Diverse Experience
The program has students from different professions and disciplines. These may be as varied as IT, Science, Banking, Law, Consulting and so on. The students are already skilled in their particular work arenas and provide diversity of experience plus interaction for each other. This adds a new dimension to learning in such a program.
International Exposure
A good Executive MBA program also includes trips to other business schools abroad for an experience of world commerce. This international exposure aids the students in furthering their career.
Network Building
Class interaction with individuals from different walks of life builds good relationships and helps in networking. You will also be able to build international ties with students you meet abroad. This networking is of immense use in career advancement.
Immediate Application
Executive MBA enables you to straightaway apply whatever theory you study in class for the growth of your company every day. Your job becomes the place where you put into practice the latest business methods you learn about. This enhances your own learning, benefits the company and builds a great reputation for you.
The curriculum integrates management skills, latest business techniques and knowledge about the social, economic and political circumstances that are instrumental in business growth. You are thus able to work out innovative solutions for your company conferring an edge.Thus many employer’s sponsor their deserving employees to pursue an Executive MBA. The fees in such a case will not be your headache.
Path to C- Suite
This MBA program is sure to lead to C- Suite positions. From a mid career professional in your arena it will catapult you to topmost management position in the area of your specialization. You acquire value and importance in your organization over your colleagues. You will be able to surpass them in terms of designation and responsibility too.
Increased Pay Package
Survey reveals that after completing an Executive MBA there is bound to be a hefty salary rise. There are instances of professionals getting even a 100% salary hike. With improved performance and increased responsibility remuneration will skyrocket.
Saves Time
This MBA is meant for professionals who have spent some time in the business world and are reasonably placed. It is difficult for them to take long leaves for further study. So this program with an intensive structure suits them perfectly.
Increase in Demand
India is a galloping economy. There are business opportunities galore in the private sector and aso in the public sector. Foreign investment is at all time high, with the Govt. promoting the ‘Make in India’ and other initiatives. So, demand for experienced professionals with an MBA/Executive MBA degree is on the rise. Besides, with the Government encouraging setting up of start- ups, such a Management program is becoming very popular among those who wish to begin with their own venture after having acquired professional experience of several years.
As Good as Regular MBA
The credibility of this program for a professional with proper experience is as good as a regular MBA. It is a better option since a regular MBA is a 2 year course and an Executive MBA a 1 year Program. Even the admission procedure is more suited to professionals. It gives more weight to professional achievements, career goals, level of experience and even recommendations from the industry.
So Executive MBA is just the right thing for all you professionals looking to climb up to the highest rungs of corporate ladder!
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