Digital technologies have not only transformed media, retail, entertainment and other businesses, but also the education in all sectors ranging from primary to high school; graduation to the doctorate, everything is being made simple and accessible. Campuses remain the same, the teaching patterns have changed. The competition for students and universities are reaching new levels […]
Introduction ‘We’re just a small business’, a typical owner of a small business mumbles humbly. Small business is not really small, rather it’s truly independent and focused. Isn’t it wonderful, to develop and operate your own small business? A small business generally involves an investment of a smaller scale with a potential to earn […]
Digital movie making has become an easy endeavor these days, thanks to the new technologies that have brought movie making costs down. The internet has made it easier for the interested movie makers in tracking down like-minded movies and film-makers to get different ideas in place of just toiling away on their own. Digitalized movie […]
I bought a new television set last week. From the beginning to the end, that is, from components for its manufacture to the moment it reached my home, a long supply chain was involved. There are a host of jobs available in this long supply chain which is essentially there for every product manufactured in […]
Six Sigma comprises a set of tools and techniques for the improvement of business processes. At every organization, this method is used to improve quality and to bring almost to perfection. These tools identify and eliminate the causes of defects and reduce inconsistency in manufacturing and business processes. A unique methodology is driven by the […]
‘Technology’ can be termed as a gift of digital revolution to mankind. Today, there is revolution in everything. Right from pin to plane, everything undergoes a lot of revolutionary advancements for the better. Similarly, Technology is one such revolution which, when used in the right way, enhances creativity and the same acts as a […]
Group discussion, which popularly go by the name GD, is a technique of evaluating a student on the basis of his/her personality, eligibility or suitability to fit in an MBA program or job. This has become one of the most important criteria for admission in MBA programs these days. People who conduct these consider it […]
In the nascent stages of the development of human resources as a career, it was considered to be just a supporting role in an organization. This dated back to the time when human capital was not given as much importance as it is today. With the change in the global economy, the value of human […]
Fundamental challenges faced by every business include ensuring the smooth running of the business, while managing the competitiveness by keeping the need gaps in the market. All these requirements can be fulfilled by performing thorough research studies in the market. There are several research methodologies available for conducting market research. The standard steps in this […]
Big businesses today increasingly face a variety of risks, including security threats, operational risks, liquidity and financial risks, and other market risks. Enterprise risk management (ERM) in this scenario focuses on improving and augmenting the compliance landscape. Risk management is one of the crucial aspects of governing an enterprise. Enterprise risk management basically accords […]
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